Sunday, August 2, 2009

Lily season is winding down.

This is the last Little Italy bloom of 2009. :(

My Siloam Reds are also nearing their last buds.

You can see You Are My Sunshine's last bud on the left here.

Strutter's Ball is still going strong, for the moment. It bloomed like crazy!

In other news, I have several glads gearing up for their turn! This one is being climbed by those petunias on steroids.

And here's one next to the dahlias in the side garden.

Eenie Allegro!

Yes, that's this baby's name: Eenie Allegro. Isn't it cute? I didn't think it was going to bloom this year.

I think Strutter's Ball has been the most prolific bloomer this year.

With You Are My Sunshine in a close second.

My sweet little Siloam Reds are doing beautifully too.

This reblooming lupine was a nice surprise. :)

These are the Las Vegas irises, which are finished blooming, of course, but look at the drying-out foliage. It looks almost variegated.

The peaches are getting to be almost peach-sized!

And look at my poor bleeding hearts! They're drying up and wilting, too. :(

The hostas are still pretty.

Look at the shoots on my Twist and Twirl! Its leaves are fading a little bit, but it's been uncommonly sunny lately, so maybe that's why.