Yes, that's right. I want to send you cryptic text messages that won't make sense to anyone else. When Dan and I watch a movie and I think it would be funny to send you a quote I know you would know, I realize it would be silly because 7 days later it would be sent back to me with a message with the general gist of, "Hey doofus, don't you know that she doesn't check her messages? Stop sending them!"

The dianthus is going crazy! I just love it. I bought one for Granny for her birthday, but it isn't this color. I'm thinking I might have to buy one like hers. But I do have seeds I need to sow -- two packets of pinks. :)

Look at my Outbacks! It's a good plant. I'll have to get another one next year. Do annuals in pots last more than a year?

This white petunia pooped out for a little while, but it's back with a vengeance.

Dahlias from tubers coming up very prettily, wisteria going cray-zay, and basil.

Dahlias making a comeback, especially the pink. The highlighter dahlias don't seem to be too excited about an encore.

Fusion Glow exotic impatien. Aren't they pretty? The plant had absolutely zero flowers on it when I bought it. Yay for blooming!

The coleus are both going crazy with their flower stalks.

Look at the buds elongating on the oriental lilies! Hopefully they'll open soon.

My newest iris, Before the Storm, opened up on Monday, the day after the incredible psycho storm. So I told Dan I was going to dub it "Before/After the Storm." We'll see. Anyway, it's so dark purple it's almost black. I got it because I thought it was so unusual. :)

Here's its close-up.

I'm pretty sure those are my glads coming up. Please please please!

This little guy is all alone out in the middle of the yard! I almost stepped on him today and I'm surprised I didn't decapitate him with the hose.

The peaches are getting big!

Elph decided the strap on this handbag looked like a yummy treat.

Much to Ginger's chagrin, Elphie does still seem to have the urge to nurse. Which kind of freaks Ginger out.

So I gave them both a bowl of milk.

Elph also explored the sink in the bathroom.

And the mail cubby as Dan took it apart and shrunk it. (Notice her new collar?)

Hiding. Encouraged by dad.

Ginge was still ticked that I was outside watering plants without her.

And last but not least, Dan decided that the pre-cut, easy-to-assemble picnic table kit at Home Depot was just not a good design, so he made one himself. From scratch. Well, obviously he didn't grow the trees to harvest their wood, but you get the idea. The finished product will be posted tomorrow. :)