more cat pictures
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The Belching Squirrelcats
That's a band Dan and the girls created. Coming soon to your hometown.
My container plants had to embark on a pilgrimage to the yard, because Dan wanted to powerwash the porch.
But now you can get a good look at my Twist and Twirl coleus!
I didn't get a "before" picture, but here are the steps after the powerwasher came through. They look new! They were almost black before.
Basement window #3! (Someone at some point in the past 100 years decided to try the very thing that Dan's doing, and their cement screwed him up, so this window only has room for 2 rows of glass blocks instead of 3. Oh well.)
The garage now has two sides of new siding done! You can see that I've been painting the trim white and I couldn't quite reach the top of the doorframe. I'll work on it later with a stepstool. ;)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Then I got a picture of my little red lilies. I think they're a siloam variety -- very small blooms.
Then I was looking up onto the porch at my Mona Lisa and I noticed --
MY GLADS ARE BLOOMING!! Just the one so far, but I have a few buds on another plant up in the sedum garden. EEEEK!
I skipped around the garden and screamed at Dan to come look and basically almost hyperventilated. I had given up on them, hoping they only needed another year before they'd bloom. Yay! Oh yeah, and here's the pretty pot with my nemesia (going crazy) and the pink New Guinea impatien.
Four blooms on the Mona Lisa! I just love how I always smell it when I go in or out the front door.
My little clearance Sarah Bernhardt peony is getting bigger. Slowly.
I bought Granny this gorgeous pink picotee dianthus for her birthday, but it didn't do well inside, so she asked me to nurse it back to health.
This Twist and Twirl coleus is going nuts.
And this wee small thing got a bath the other day. Then sat like a person in her towel. Barely long enough to get a picture. ;)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The Notorious C.A.T.
I love the slight tilt of her head in this one.
Presenting... Mona Lisa. She looks a lot like a stargazer.
And *squeaky voice* Red Rum is looking beautiful.
I just noticed today that my Twist and Twirl coleus is sending up coleus-like shoots! I'm so very observant... I wonder how long they've been there.
The indestructible wisteria, leafing out like a plant possessed.
I'm gonna get a lot more portulaca next year and put it in all different size pots.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
The twins!
This is Red Rum. (You must say it with a squeaky, creepy voice.) I found out that lilies at Home Depot were going for $6 or less, so I had to get it.
Four blooms on the hibiscus! So pretty.
I came home from the grocery store with this little keepsake azalea and Dan didn't even kill me! :)
I was sitting on the couch and Dan came out of the bathroom giggling. Obviously something was happening of which I would not approve. Except I surprised us both by thinking it was hysterical when I saw Elphie with a blob of shaving cream on her head.
It's so light, she didn't even realize it was there.
She just walked around, trying to pounce on Ginger while Ginger was arched up like a Halloween cat and her tail was as big around as a fox's. She was like, "What the hell is on your head???"
"What do you mean? There's nothing on my head."
Since we've had these windows open a little, the girls seem to have realized they're even there. They keep looking out. So cute!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Champagne Supernover
This is called a Lysimachia. The variegated leaves are pretty enough on their own, but it's also starting to bloom with little yellow flowers! (Although it's also getting little brown spots on the leaves on that branch... I need insecticide.)
Millions of peaches, peaches for me.
Such happy little petunias. I'm definitely getting more of these next year.
Happy Returns. Did I mention it's a close relative of Stella d'Oro?
And right next to Happy Returns is this little guy. Is it a poppy?
I have simply GOT to plant this sedum. I can't stand the idea that it might not come back next year if it's in a pot.
Portulaca. Also going to make a reappearance next year.
So will the New Guinea impatiens.
Once again, Dan finds a small place that Elphie will fit into.
He also gave her a treat. (It's empty -- she's just licking the leftovers.)