Boooooooo Gustav!! I tell you, that's one name I'll never give to my children now. That and Katrina. And probably Rita, which is just a shame, since I like the name.
I'm sorry I've been lazy for so long about updating. Like I told Mom tonight, it's been kind of a "bloom lull," so it's been hard for ADD Girl to get excited about posting. Terrible.
However, that hasn't stopped me from taking pictures. Here are some older ones that I just couldn't pass up sharing.

The lisianthus is now blooming again from this new stalk that's grown up and pushed out the old one. I was wondering why it was tipping like that. ;)

The last stalk of my Wine and Roses when it was budding. So pretty!

Kind of blurry, but sooo pretty!

The last of my little Siloam Reds. At least that's what I'll call them since I don't know their real name.

These pansies will definitely make a reappearance next spring. I love the color.
Now we're up-to-date.

This is the succulent that Reba gave me before she left. It's doing this crazy reaching thing. Not sure what to make of it.

My pink African violet is blooming again. They've been taking turns. The white-with-purple-edges is recuperating now.

And the girls. Eating some wet cat food. So funny! Elphie just doesn't seem to be growing too fast anymore. But then, I see her every day.