Tuesday, October 13, 2009

K's wedding pictures!

Yes, I know it was in May. But I'm only now seeing the professional photographer's pictures. I kind of copied them to the computer to show you. Shhh!



Friday, October 9, 2009

Phone Pix Extravaganza!

You wouldn't believe what happened to me on the way home from breakfast with a friend this morning. I was driving along a main road, and had to stop to let some turkeys cross the road!! Sounds like a joke, right? Well, here's the evidence:

Seven of them, just chilling. They are soooo ugly they're almost cute.

Since I was getting that picture from my phone, I went crazy and put them all on the computer. Here are a lot of other random ones that are all from the past year or so.

This is Abby, the dog who lives at my work. She's taken to sleeping on this couch, so sit on it at your own risk!

This guy belongs to a friend's roommate. I don't know his name, but we got well acquainted enough for him to feel comfortable nipping me through the bars of his cage.

A "The Dog"-esque picture of Abby.

Dan and me at a baseball game. :) Go Tigers!

Abby is very sophisticated. She sits with her paws crossed.

She also runs headlong all over the place for about 4 hours a day. This is how she looks afterward. :)

A picture I stole from Mom's phone of Anna and me, about a year ago. I can't believe Elphie was being nice!

We'll throw in a random baby. Her name is Addison.

Abby looking way too cute.

Ginger also looking way too cute.

This is Dan with St. Martin the Horseman. He lives in Chicago and was painted by El Greco.

I didn't stand a chance against this Chicago French toast!

Elphie was so small here!

And Ginger had less-substantial hips here than she does now. :)

Elphie hanging out in the window.

And the sink.

I love it when she sits up like this.

Ginger looks kind of shell-shocked here. I wonder what had just happened??

This dahlia is amazing!

Elphie loves the dishwasher. Sorry, Dad. :)


This is actually a really cool picture! :)

It's D!

Laughing his little head off while he grabs my face. :)

I think we caught Elphie in the middle of taking a bath. But it's a hilarious picture. :)

This is Elphie's twin brother, Synyster!

And their sister, Slash! (They're both named after rock guitarists. Too bad I had to go and name Elphie after the Wicked Witch of the West!)

Elphie in the snow!

This is poor, sweet Stella, who passed away from tumors from eating too much human food!

Look at this goof! (Ginger)

Elphie's a basket case.

Dan and me at Cabo, a delicious Mexican restaurant.

This is a prickly pear margarita. You want one. I know I do.

Blurry but hilarious. Elphie LOVES riding in the car. Poor Ginger has a panic attack and gets carsick. :(

Chilling on the washing machine.

Our nephew the surgeon. ;)

Chickies!! We didn't bring one home this year.

He's a space alien!

There was probably a squirrel or something.

But by gum, she wanted to get out there!

Another shot of our incredibly lazy older child.

These bleeding hearts are at a friend's house. Can you believe them??

This is Trooper. His eyes are the same color as his fur, and yes, his left ear is always cocked that way. :)

Elphie checking something out. Look at that Aquiline nose!

My Bordeaux petunias exploded!

This is the little bird that Dan hit with a fishing pole! It wasn't intentional, but the bird took offense and would squalk and scream whenever Dan came near. He liked me, though.

Common roadsider!

Sweet Abby! Doesn't she look like a puppy? She's 8 years old!

Look at her tail. We think she's part beagle. She's super short, too.

These baby birds were so pissed that I bothered them for a photo-op. Their nest is in Dan's hunting blind.

Which is shown here.

Partners in crime!

D looks like he's about to do something that he knows he isn't supposed to. hahaha

This little guy was probably only hours old when we stumbled across him. Isn't he precious???? He got up and scampered off just a few minutes after I took this picture!

Alright! Lastly we have Autumn, the cutest wee (huge) setter pup in the world!

She was getting awfully big even when I held her like a baby for this picture. Look at her paw on my shoulder!

But she was even bigger when Dan picked her up a few months later!!

And here are Dan and Autumn with her FIRST BIRD!! Good girl, Autumn!