Yes, that's this baby's name: Eenie Allegro. Isn't it cute? I didn't think it was going to bloom this year.
I think Strutter's Ball has been the most prolific bloomer this year.
With You Are My Sunshine in a close second.
My sweet little Siloam Reds are doing beautifully too.
This reblooming lupine was a nice surprise. :)
These are the Las Vegas irises, which are finished blooming, of course, but look at the drying-out foliage. It looks almost variegated.
The peaches are getting to be almost peach-sized!
And look at my poor bleeding hearts! They're drying up and wilting, too. :(
The hostas are still pretty.
Look at the shoots on my Twist and Twirl! Its leaves are fading a little bit, but it's been uncommonly sunny lately, so maybe that's why.