Monday, May 26, 2008

Succulent extraordinaire!

Happy Memorial Day!! I hope everyone who had today off from work and school was just happy as a clam. I know I would have been. ;)

When we went out to watch the parade I had a squawking fit and ran back inside to grab my camera, because my second clump of irises had a bud opening! And it's different from Las Vegas!! I'm going to have to find out what it is.

And when we got back from a trip to Home Depot, there was more squawking, because it had opened even more!! Isn't it unsual??


Las Vegas is looking beautiful. Two blooms! And they're new ones -- not the original.

Princesse Caroline has opened up and is looking positively regal. As well she should.

My little verbena in the mailbox planter are sending up shoots, hopefully for blooms. It's already started!

On our trip to Home Depot I couldn't resist this adorable little sedum. It was less than six dollars! And it's different from the ones I already have.

My African violet is going CRAZY! Look at her! She's nuts!

My Rex begonia, fittingly, is also trying to take over the world. Look at him!

I just, as I was posting this picture, realized how damn tall that lighter succulent is getting! It's so huge! The indoor red velvet coleus is looking nice, too, and my nameless greenery.

This is the cabbage-y succulent that Reba gave me today at work! She's so sweet!!

Kind of blurry, but look at those red leaves and those ruffles!

Ginger loves her new kitty gym. Dan finally moved it out of the middle of the dining room floor. ;)

She also loves snooping around. She was initially after the bag of goodies that Nikki gave me for Elphie, but I moved it and she had to play it smooth.

We had her out in the yard on a harness and leash for a little bit today when the parade was going by, but all the noise really freaked her out, so I took her back in pretty fast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hoo boy, that looks like one mad cat! hehehehe.

Those irises are gorgeous! I want some! I think I'll go find some right away. Too beautiful. And that succulent from Reba is very interesting...wonder what it's called. Love those red leaves.

All your plants are looking good, love. You're taking good care of them. Good mommy.

And beautiful photos, too, I might add. Just lovely.

Show us some more tomorrow. Can't wait to see more flowers!

Love you, sweetie!