Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday Blues

Well, I was supposed to take a friend to her surgery today so that her normal ride could attend something else. I stopped at CVS to get some cough drops so that I didn't hack up a lung and require some surgery of my own. I was standing at the cash register and all of a sudden I came very very close to blacking out. So in the end my friend had to use her other ride anyway, and my husband had to come rescue me so that I could sleep until 1:15pm. Fun fun.

Here's that cyclamen I keep talking about. Isn't it beautiful? I love the colors.

And here's my beautiful new African violet! It looks like it has two pure white "upper" petals and three "lower petals" with big magenta blotches. I just love it!

In other news, I've been trying out new crocheted afghan blocks, and I met with one whose pattern made no sense to me. So I was left with this little finished circle. Well, naturally, Dan found it.

So now the David has alternately a beret...

...and a rockin' yarmulke. Which we figure is appropriate, since King David was Jewish. :)

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