There are several different pictures, each from a different angle, of this bunch of Las Vegas irises, but it's because every one of them turned out well.
The Jacob's Ladder to the left and the hostas to the upper right look almost like mirror images of one another in this picture.
Princesse Caroline is just too beautiful...
...not to be featured often and from every angle.
This little baby that's coming up behind the irises is a glad!
And about a foot away is what looks like a dahlia or two coming up? I don't remember planting any there, but they're definitely not weeds, and they look like dahlia foliage.
Three other glad shoots coming up through Firebreather's roots.
Granny's dianthus. It's growing straight up a lot more than last year. The other dianthus, which is less than a foot away, grows out more than up.
I think I counted seven or eight simultaneous blooms on this baby. :)
It's really blurry, but you can kind of see the buds coming up from the Stella d'Oro.
Again, kind of blurry, but the exotic geranium's shoot is starting to show some color!