Saturday, May 30, 2009

Crazy intermittent showers

They're kind of wet from being watered, but you can see how much my Ultra Rose petunias have filled in the windowbox. :)

There are several different pictures, each from a different angle, of this bunch of Las Vegas irises, but it's because every one of them turned out well.

The Jacob's Ladder to the left and the hostas to the upper right look almost like mirror images of one another in this picture.

So many of them!

Look at all the Shastas!

Princesse Caroline is just too beautiful...

...not to be featured often and from every angle.

This little baby that's coming up behind the irises is a glad!

And about a foot away is what looks like a dahlia or two coming up? I don't remember planting any there, but they're definitely not weeds, and they look like dahlia foliage.

Three other glad shoots coming up through Firebreather's roots.

Look at Sarah Bernhardt!

Granny's dianthus. It's growing straight up a lot more than last year. The other dianthus, which is less than a foot away, grows out more than up.

I think I counted seven or eight simultaneous blooms on this baby. :)

The whole caboodle.

It's really blurry, but you can kind of see the buds coming up from the Stella d'Oro.

Again, kind of blurry, but the exotic geranium's shoot is starting to show some color!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Princesse Caroline makes her bow

There she is, Miss America! It's an icky, rainy day outside, but I had to leap outside with my camera when I saw that she had opened up!

Look at all my irises! And there are four or five Las Vegas blooming on the other side of the porch. (In this bed we have, front to back, Princesse Caroline de Monaco, Before the Storm which isn't blooming, Las Vegas, lupine, Seaside Daisy, serrated sedum, Firebreather, Trop Jaloux, Lysimachia, two lilies, Gaillardia, and columbine.)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Iris Explosion


My rebel irises (the ones on the other side of the porch) have started opening! Like I told Mom on the phone a few days ago, I think I counted about 37 buds on this patch.


My bleeding hearts are soo happy!

Last year's Ginger Ale coralbell is coming up with flowers!

Sweet little violas.

Look at all those Las Vegas!

Princesse Caroline, thinking really really hard about opening.

Trop Jaloux! (Pronounced Troe Jah-LOO, with the "j" sounding like Zsa Zsa Gabor.) Look at those five purty blooms!

They look like little dollops of vanilla icing or something.

So beautiful.

I just think it's so cute when they haven't uncurled yet.

Anna's favorite, Gaillardia.

And Seaside Daisies. Considering that when I bought both of the previous two plants they were completely without blooms, they're looking spectacular.

MY NEW HOSE CADDY!! Isn't Dan wonderful? I worked a double yesterday and he sent me a picture message on my phone of this, saying he was late to see me because "of your new present." So cute!

Anyone know what would cause our little peach tree's leaves to look like this? I told Dan he needs to pinch off a leaf and take it to a nursery and ask. I don't have any idea. :(

The Return of the Indestructible Wisteria!

And this is a little Portland Rose named Comte de Chambord. It's not really much to look at right now, but hopefully I'll have some pretty roses someday. :)

Dan made this woodshed-type thing in the corner of the yard for our firepit.

It IS lily of the valley!

I even got down there and smelled it. It's so precious!

So cute!

My Granny dianthus is blooming!

Tiny Hope is belying its name by having five flowers open at the same time.

My Stellas are thinking about opening. Can you see the buds?

Look at my sweet Ginger! (With Trop Jaloux in the background.)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Trop Jaloux!

Isn't she lovely?

I got up this morning and there were three open...

... and one wasn't even all the way! Isn't that cute?

I just love them.

And now, for some more comparison pictures...

Bordeaux yesterday, and...

... Bordeaux today. I didn't think it could get any crazier!

I think I snapped this picture on accident, but I actually really like it. That's the nemesia that's blurry in the foreground, and the exotic geranium in the background.

My Shastas are looking beautiful!

I might have to add some more creeping phlox next year, because this is unbelievable.

And you had to know there would be pictures of my bleeding hearts. :)

At the bottom left you can see some little white buds.

I don't think I've featured the hostas in a while, but they're filling out nicely.

Firebreather, False Bluebonnet, and Las Vegas!

I thought this picture was kind of cool. (And I can't get over the color of Firebreather...!)

My pink oriental lilies are still growing.

Las Vegas is really very pretty despite being brown. And look at all the buds in the background!


I love it!

Only a little bit longer until it's completely blooming.

What a beauty! (You can see the hair clip very well in this one. hehe)

I can't believe that I didn't think I liked irises when we first moved in.

Lysimachia is going crazy! (And that little albino stalk is still at the bottom!)

Gaillardia and Russian sage from yesterday.

Look at all those little faces!

These are all the Las Vegas buds on the other side of the porch. Holy cow!

My little potted plants (and a nice view of the flag bracket.) Dahlia, tuberous begonia, and Bordeaux.

I thought this was really cool. Look at the light shining through the top left flower!

Looks like my exotic geranium is getting ready to bloom.

This is the little seed geranium that Dan bought me at Home Depot the other day as a surprise. :)

My windowbox petunias are flourishing.

Twist & Twirl is doing beautifully, but I don't think Merlin's Magic is very happy. :(

This one's for Anna!

It's yelling at me about having too many labels, so I'm going to have to continue on another post. haha

You know you're out of control when...