Thursday, May 28, 2009

Princesse Caroline makes her bow

There she is, Miss America! It's an icky, rainy day outside, but I had to leap outside with my camera when I saw that she had opened up!

Look at all my irises! And there are four or five Las Vegas blooming on the other side of the porch. (In this bed we have, front to back, Princesse Caroline de Monaco, Before the Storm which isn't blooming, Las Vegas, lupine, Seaside Daisy, serrated sedum, Firebreather, Trop Jaloux, Lysimachia, two lilies, Gaillardia, and columbine.)

1 comment:

Mom said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the shot of the whole garden! It's beautiful! Of course, Princesse Caroline is my fave. And the lupine. hehe.

Your pictures came out great even on a cloudy day. Good job.

Love you,