Monday, May 18, 2009

Goin' to the chapel...

My best friend K got married this weekend, and I got to drive out to her side of the state and be her bridesmaid! Yay!

K is at the bottom right, with her sister sitting between us.

Talk about GOOD TASTE... we carried white tulips! K's bouquet was the pink tulips with lily of the valley.

Doesn't she look purty?

All the bridesmaid dresses, just waiting for us.

K and me!

Kind of an afterthought -- taken in the parking lot after the reception while I still had someone to take the picture. K's mom had a brilliant idea and bought some artificial flowers that matched our dresses so we could put them in our hair.

That's all I have from the wedding... everybody's going to exchange pictures soon, so hopefully I'll have more for you.

These two flats (petunias and portulaca) are going into the 36" window boxes I bought today for the sides of the porch, which we're going to put up tomorrow. :)

I like the portulaca!

My two nemesias, looking happy and perky.

The begonia on the left is a replacement for the one I broke. It looks much better.

My Bordeaux petunia is trying to spill over the edges, on its way to conquering the world!

These highlighter dahlias are very profusely blooming.

This Sarah Bernhardt peony is growing quickly. :)

"Blue moon, you saw me standing alone, without a dream in my heart..." Anyway, that's the name of this adorable viola: Blue Moon.

Look at all the Las Vegas buds!

Firebreather is about to burst!

I love the pink of this columbine.

Just take a gander at all those buds on the gaillardia!

The Seaside Daisy is also starting to bloom.

I absolutely love this lupine/false bluebonnet. ;)

Both Shasta Daisies are also starting to open up.

I really really think these are lilies coming up, but I don't remember which one I planted here. I'm so glad I didn't pull them up first thing!

This Jacob's Ladder is called Stairway to Heaven. :)

Again with the anonymous lilies! I'm thinking the daylily on the left is Red Rum.

So many beautiful blooms on the creeping phlox!

I can't believe my luck. Apparently I picked the PERFECT spot for bleeding hearts. They're so happy!

All the whites are in the back, for some reason. But I still spied them!

More whites opening up!

As you have probably figured out, I'm very obsessed with them.

And lastly, Tiny Hope looks like it's just about to open up.

BONUS! I just found K's sister's pictures on Facebook. Here are some extras.

Rehearsal. I'm all the way on the left.

At the hair salon.

In the bride's room at the church. (Chowing down on veggies and dip, as well as cheese and crackers.)

Waiting our turn for portraits after the ceremony.

The Crusader Club! :)

My favorite... the entire wedding party. :)

1 comment:

Mom said...

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!! Great photos! K looked beautiful, and her dress was perfect. You looked great, too, my little girl, in your pretty bridesmaid's dress. That last photo really shows you in all your glory. Glad you included it.

Your plants are really happy, aren't they. Filling in nicely and growing like crazy! Man, those lilies are going to be awesome. Can't wait for those photos......will they be blooming in August?

Loved the blog entry today. Thanks for keeping us all updated. Much love,