Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lily fever

They're starting to open! So now I have to control myself every time I walk past a display at any plant store, grocery store, corner market, etc.

This little beauty is called a Pink Echeveria. Tiffany and I each got one at Meijer's. We just couldn't believe it was real. It's so crazy looking!

I also got this, called a Peperomia. I love the foliage.

At Home Depot, this tiny little Sarah Bernhardt peony was on clearance! I couldn't just leave it sitting there, never knowing if it would have a good home, now could I?

My pink oriental lilies have opened up!

Look at all those buds!

Happy Returns was the first lily in my garden to bloom. (The Stella d'Oros were going crazy before that elsewhere, but I don't have any.) Look at those ruffles!

The Indestructible Thyme is blooming.

My petunias seem to love the weather lately.

They're so pretty!

I haven't featured the hostas in a while, so here they are. :)

The peaches are getting bigger!

Big yawn!

She looks kind of evil here.

Dan and I didn't actually see a bug that she might be chasing, but who knows? (She is a little loco.)

We let the girls lick our bowls after having some pasta for lunch, and it was too funny for me to miss taking a picture.

You know they had to check out this old dresser before we could put in the drawers. They're very thorough.

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