Saturday, June 7, 2008


Well, we had some crazy weather. And we were lucky enough to be at its mercy, unable to escape it. Yay us!

My poor irises are just pooped after dealing with all the wind and the rain. They just wanted to lie down for a few minutes.

But this is my New Guinea Impatien in a precious new pot that I bought. Actually, it's a watering can. And not intended in the least to be a planter. But Dan and his handy power drill gave it some drainage holes.

Same with this big bucket.

My little white potted petunias are reblooming.

These Outbacks are just so unusual looking! I can't get enough of them.

My dianthus is finally blooming this year! I'm so excited. It was really looking dead there for a while, but then one day I realized there were little buds on the ends of some of the stalks, and then the next day there was a little pink at the tip, and then this was today!

Aren't they happy?

Just take a gander at all the buds on these lilies! I can't wait for them to open!

The thyme is TAKING OVER!! Anna, will you do a garden marker for me sometime this summer at the Glaze that says, "Keep Off the Indestructible Thyme"?? I would love it!

This is the stuff that we thought was moss rose.

Thank goodness for this $30 garage sale find! Yay for not sweating to death!

Look at these sweet girls! Right after I snapped this picture, Elph started trying to nurse and Ginger kicked her. She was probably like, "What the heck are you doing down there! Get out!"

But they continued the bath anyway.

And then, for some bizarre reason I don't understand, Dan felt the need to wrap Elphie up in his shower towel.

Look at that pitiful little thing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, you're lucky your garden didn't get washed away! Looks good today, though.

You need to find out what that little cute thing is that you thought was moss rose. I'm dying to know.

I'll get Anna over to the Glaze and put her to work. That should be fun. She has something started over there...she and Joann.

Dan is so crazy. And I'm so happy your kitties like each other!

Keep up the good work, Love!

Love you,