Sunday, July 27, 2008


I went out today with my camera and made Dan show me how big the peaches are getting (and they're getting some color, too!).

Then I got a picture of my little red lilies. I think they're a siloam variety -- very small blooms.

Then I was looking up onto the porch at my Mona Lisa and I noticed --

MY GLADS ARE BLOOMING!! Just the one so far, but I have a few buds on another plant up in the sedum garden. EEEEK!

I skipped around the garden and screamed at Dan to come look and basically almost hyperventilated. I had given up on them, hoping they only needed another year before they'd bloom. Yay! Oh yeah, and here's the pretty pot with my nemesia (going crazy) and the pink New Guinea impatien.

Four blooms on the Mona Lisa! I just love how I always smell it when I go in or out the front door.

My little clearance Sarah Bernhardt peony is getting bigger. Slowly.

I bought Granny this gorgeous pink picotee dianthus for her birthday, but it didn't do well inside, so she asked me to nurse it back to health.

A distant shot of the glad.

This Twist and Twirl coleus is going nuts.

And this wee small thing got a bath the other day. Then sat like a person in her towel. Barely long enough to get a picture. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! The glad is beautiful! I'd be excited, too!

Oh, sweet little baby in her towel. Glad you got a shot of her before she squirmed out.

Love you, sweetie-pie!