Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sombreros and Americana

Okay, is it just me or does this look creepily like that famous painting?

The good news is that the second window is in. :) Isn't it pretty? Since we've had the old ones blocked up with foam for insulation, it's just unbelievable how much light these let in! I can even do laundry during the day without turning on the basement light!!


My Dynamite Light Blues are doing excellently!...

...and so are all my other gorgeous little plants. Red Vista Salvia, unnamed dark blue/purple pansies, and violas.

My Lucky Strikes opened up! Even the little baby one is open, I think. They're so gorgeous. That's the background picture on my phone right now.

My bleeding heart is purty as ever! I'm a little nervous that it didn't like being transplanted, because I know its roots are very fragile, but hopefully it'll perk up. I mean, it couldn't be the cool weather, since they're hardy to like -30 degrees or something.

And here, again with the auto focus problem, is the biggest of the six buds on what I recall being lilies... I think... Any suggestions?

Oh! PS: The reason for the title is that I made some sombreros. They were delicious. As of the time of this post, there are some left. I cannot vouch for thereafter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all, you are SO MEAN to post the photo of those yummy cookies! I could eat that whole batch right now!

Secondly, I'm wondering about those "lilies." The leaves look rather stiff.....my lilies have softer, more arching leaves. But maybe they're a different kind. I'm no lily expert. Won't it be fun to see what pops out?!

Oh, also, the American Gothic photo would be more American Gothic-y if YOU were in it. Wearing an apron. And Dan's head, too. Not wearing an apron, but you know.

The flowers are glorious. Bet that little bleeding heart perks up in no time. I planted a second columbine, and it looked puny for about a day, and perked up. I also took out the kind-of-invasive fern from the front garden (too sunny for it now that the trees are gone) and bought a lovely yellow-flowering hibiscus to put there. Also put a lantana on the other side of that walkway. I think I'm going to remove the old azaleas on the side of the house and put something else there. They're pretty for too short a time, and they've run their course. I'll send you photos when I get more done.

Love you!